1,1,1-TCA | 1,1,1-trichloroethane |
1,1-DCE | 1,1, dichloroethene |
1,2,4-TMB | 1,2,4-trimethyl benzene |
1,4-D | 1,4-dioxane |
2,3,7,8-TCDD | 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin |
2D, 3D | two dimensional, three dimensional |
AC | activated carbon |
ACF | autocorrelation coefficient or function |
ACL | alternate compliance limit |
ACS | American Chemical Society |
ADAF | age-dependent adjustment factors |
ADCP | acoustic Doppler current profiler |
ADEC | Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation |
ADEM | Alabama Department of Environmental Management |
ADP | Adenosine diphosphate |
ATP | Adenosine triphosphate |
ADV | acoustic Doppler velocimeter |
AE | analytical error |
AET | apparent effects threshold |
AF | attenuation factor |
AFB | Air Force Base |
AFCEC | Air Force Civil Engineer Center (formerly AFCEE) |
AFCEE | Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment (changed to AFCEC) |
AGC-QAPP | Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plans Template: Advanced Geophysical Classification for Munitions Response |
AIC | Akaike information criterion |
ALD | anoxic limestone drain |
ALM | adult lead methodology |
AM | arithmetic mean |
AMD | acid mine drainage |
amsl | above mean sea level |
ANOVA | analysis of variance |
ANSI/ASQ E4-2004 | Quality Systems for Environmental Data and Technology Programs— Requirements with Guidance for Use |
AO | Acridine orange |
AOC | area of concern |
AOP | activation optimization process |
APC | aerobic polishing cell |
APG | Aberdeen Proving Ground |
APH | air-phase petroleum hydrocarbon |
API | American Petroleum Institute |
ARAR | all relevant and appropriate regulations |
ARCH | autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity |
ARD | acid rock drainage |
ARIMA | autoregressive integrated moving average AST aboveground storage tank |
AST | aboveground storage tank |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials (now known just as ASTM International) |
ASTSWMO | Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials |
ATCG | Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine |
ATSDR | Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry |
atzB gene | Hydroxyatrazine ethylaminohydrolase |
AUL | alternate use limitations |
AVS/SEM | acid volatile sulfide/simultaneously extracted metals |
AWQC | ambient water quality criteria |
BAF | bioaccumulation factor |
BAP | benzo-a-pyrene |
BAZ | biologically active zone |
BCF | bioconcentration factor |
BES | U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences |
BFA | background fluorescence analysis |
bgs | below ground surface |
BIC | Bayesian information criterion |
BiRD | biogeochemical reductive dechlorination |
BLL | blood lead level |
bls | Below land surface |
BMD | benchmark dose |
BMP | best management practice |
BNC | Bremerton Proving Ground |
BNL | Brookhaven National Laboratory |
BOD | biological oxygen demand |
bp, kbp, Mbp | Base pairs, kilobase pairs, megabase pairs |
BRAC | Defense Base Realignment and Closure |
BSAF | biota-sediment accumulation factor |
bssA gene | benzylsuccinate synthase |
BTEX | benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene |
BUD | Berkeley UXO Discriminator |
bvcA gene | Reductive dehalogenase implicated in the vinyl chloride to ethene reductive dechlorination |
C | Carbon |
CA | corrective action |
CAB | citizens advisory board |
CAD | contained aquatic disposal |
CAG | community advisory group |
CAIT | Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation |
CAMU | Corrective Action Management Unit |
CaPAH | carcinogenic polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons |
CARD | Catalysed reported deposition |
CARD-FISH | Catalyzed reported deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization |
CASRN | Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number |
cc | cubic centimeter |
CCF | cross-correlation function |
CCL4 | carbon tetrachloride |
CDC | Center for Disease Control |
cDCE | cis-1,2-dichloroethene |
CDEP | Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection |
CDF | cumulative distribution function |
CDF | confined disposal facility |
cDNA | Complementary DNA |
CE2 | long-range heterogeneity fluctuation error |
CE3 | periodic heterogeneity fluctuation error |
CEC | cation exchange capacity |
CEP | Community Engagement Plan |
CERCLA | Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (SuperFund) |
CES | cost-effective sampling |
CF | chloroform |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CFU | colony-forming unit |
CFree | carbon free |
CGI | combustible gas indicator |
CH | compositional heterogeneity |
CHP | Catalyzed hydrogen peroxide |
CH4 | methane |
CIP | Community Involvement Plan |
cis-1,2-DCE or cis-DCE | cis-1,2-dichloroethylene |
Cl | Chlorine |
cld gene | Chlorite dismutase gene |
CLP | Contract Laboratory Program |
CLT | central limit theorem |
CMS | corrective measures study |
CO | Carbon monoxide |
CO2 | Carbon dioxide |
COC | contaminant of concern |
COD | chemical oxygen demand |
COPC | contaminant of potential concern |
cpm | counts per minute |
CPSi | cancer potency slope, inhalation |
CPT | cone penetrometer testing |
CRA | comparative risk analysis |
CRREL | U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory |
CSF | cancer slope factor |
CSIA | Compound Specific Isotope Analysis |
CSM | conceptual site model |
CSO | combined sewer outfall |
CSV | comma separated values |
CT | carbon tetrachloride |
CTAS | cobalt thiocyanate active substances |
Cu | Copper |
CUAA | ceded and usual and accustomed areas |
CUSUM | cumulative sum control chart |
CV | coefficient of variation |
CVI | chlorinated vapor intrusion |
CVOC | chlorinated volatile organic compound |
CWA | Clean Water Act |
DAGCAP | DOD Advanced Geophysical Classification Accreditation Program |
DAPI | 4.6-diamindino-phenylindole |
DAQ | data acquisition |
DBMS | data base management system |
DC | Dissimilarity Coefficient |
DCA | Dichloroethane |
DCE | dichloroethene |
DD | Decision Document |
DDD | dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane |
DDE | dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethylene |
DDT | dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane |
DDX | dimethyl dioxane |
DE | delimitation error |
DEC | Department of Conservation |
DEP | Department of Environmental Protection |
df | degrees of freedom |
DGGE | denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis |
DGM | digital geophysical mapping |
DH | distributional heterogeneity |
DHB | Dehalobacter |
Dhc | Dehalococcoides |
DHG | Dehalogenimonas |
DIC | Dissolved inorganic carbon |
DL | detection level |
DL | deficiency letter |
DMM | discarded military munition |
DNA | Deoxyribonucleic acid |
DNAPL | dense non-aqueous phase liquid |
DO | dissolved oxygen |
DOC | dissolved organic carbon |
DOD | U.S. Department of Defense |
DOE | U.S. Department of Energy |
DON | Department of the Navy |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
DPI | direct push injection |
DPT | direct-push technology |
DQA | data quality assessment |
DQI | data quality indicator |
DQO | data quality objective |
DQOs | data quality objectives |
DRE | destruction removal efficiency |
DRET | dredge residual elutriate test |
DRO | diesel-range organics |
DSITMS | direct sampling ion trap mass spectrometer |
DTSC | California Department of Toxic Substances Control |
DU | decision unit |
DUA | data usability assessment |
E&P | oil exploration & production |
EAB | enhanced anaerobic bioremediation |
EAP | enzyme activity probe |
EBCT | empty bed contact time |
EC | electrical conductivity |
EC | engineering control |
ECD | electron-capture dissociation |
ECMP | engineering control maintenance plan |
ECOS | Environmental Council of the States |
EDA | emergency declaration area |
EDA | exploratory data analysis |
EDB | 1,2-dibromoethane |
EDLE | East Doane Lake Remediation |
EDQW | Environmental Data Quality Working Group |
EE | extraction error |
EE | environmental evaluation |
EE | environmental easement |
EE/CA | engineering evaluation/cost analysis |
EGL | energy grade line |
Eh | oxidation-reduction potential |
EHMP | environmental hazard management plan |
EISB | enhanced in situ bioremediation |
EJ | environmental justice |
ELAP | Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program |
ELUR | environmental land use restrictions |
EM | environmental management |
EMD | Environmental molecular diagnostics |
EMI | electromagnetic induction |
EMNR | enhanced monitored natural recovery |
EMS | environmental management system |
ENA | Enhanced natural attenuation |
EOD | explosive ordnance disposal |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
EPC | exposure point concentration |
EPH | extractable petroleum hydrocarbon |
EPM | equivalent porous medium |
ePV | effective pore volume |
ERD | enhanced reductive dechlorination |
ERH | electrical resistance heating |
ERIS | Environmental Research Institute of the States |
ERIS | Environmental Restoration Information System |
ERPIMS | Environmental Resources Program Information Management System |
ESA | Endangered Species Act |
ESD | explanation of significant difference |
ESTCP | Environmental Security Technology Certification Program |
EtOH | ethanol, ethyl alcohol |
EUC | environmental use control |
EVO | Emulsified Vegetable Oil |
EZ | exclusion zone |
FA | financial assurance |
FAMEs | Fatty acid methyl esters |
FAQ | Frequently asked questions |
FDA | U.S. Food and Drug Administration |
FDEP | Florida Department of Environmental Protection |
FE | fundamental error |
Fe | Iron |
FFA | federal facilities agreement |
FFS | focused feasibility study |
FID | flame ionization detector |
FISH | fluorescence in situ hybridization |
FMGP | Former manufactured gas plant |
FMV | fair market value |
FNADC | Florida Natural Attenuation Default Criteria |
Foc | fraction of organic carbon |
FOT | fields of testing |
FS | feasibility study |
FSCTL | Florida State Cleanup Target Levels |
FUDS | formerly used defense sites |
g | Gram |
GAC | granular activated carbon |
GARCH | generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity |
GC | gas chromatography/chromatograph |
GC/ECD | Gas chromatograph/electron capture detector |
GC/MS | Gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer |
GC/MS | gas chromatography/mass spectrometry |
GCL | geosynthetic clay liner |
GE | General Electric |
GETS | Groundwater Extraction and Treatment System |
GHG | greenhouse gas |
GIS | geographic information systems |
GLLA | Great Lakes Legacy Act |
GLNPO | Great Lakes National Program Office |
GOF | goodness-of-fit |
GPR | ground penetrating radar |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GRASS | Geographic Resources Analysis Support System |
GRO | Geostatistics for Remediation Optimization |
GSD | geometric standard deviation |
GSE | grouping and segregation error |
GSMC | Groundwater Statistics and Monitoring Compliance |
GSR | green and sustainable remediation |
GTS | Geostatistical Temporal-Spatial optimization software |
GUI | graphical user interface |
GW | groundwater |
GWMP | groundwater monitoring plan |
GWSDAT | Groundwater Spatiotemporal Data Analysis Tool |
GWTS | groundwater treatment and collection system |
H | Hydrogen |
HDOH | Hawaii Department of Health |
HDPE | high density polyethylene |
Hg | mercury |
HGL | hydraulic grade line |
HMX | octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine |
HNOPS | Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Potassium, Sulfur |
HOA | home owners’ association |
HP TRIM | Hewlett Packard TRIM |
HPT | hydraulic profiling tool |
HPT-GWS | hydraulic profiling tool–groundwater sampler |
HQ | hazard quotient |
HRC | Hydrogen-Release Compound |
HRT | hydraulic residence time |
HTRW | Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste |
HVAC | heating, ventilation and air conditioning |
i.i.d. | independent and identically distributed |
IA | indoor air |
IATA DGR | International Air Transport Association Danger Goods Regulations |
IBT | internet-based training |
IC | institutional control |
ICIAP | institutional control implementation and assurance plan |
ICL | informal correction letter |
ICMP | institutional control management plan |
ICP-MS | Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry |
ID | inner diameter |
IDEM | Indiana Department of Environmental Management |
IDQTF | Intergovernmental Data Quality Task Force |
IDSS | integrated DNAPL site strategy |
IDW | Inverse Distance Weighting |
IEUBK | integrated exposure uptake biokinetic |
IMU | inertial measurement unit |
IP | implementation plan |
IR | Infrared |
IRIS | Integrated Risk Information System |
IRM | interim remedial measure |
IRMS | Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer |
IS | incremental sample, incremental sampling |
ISB | in situ bioremediation |
ISC | integrated site characterization |
ISCO | in situ chemical oxidation |
ISCR | in situ chemical reduction |
ISM | Incremental Sampling Methodology |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ISO | industry standard object |
ISS | in situ stabilization |
IST | in situ treatment |
ISTR | in situ thermal remediation |
ITMS | ion trap mass spectrometer |
ITRC | Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council |
IVS | instrument verification strip |
J&E | Johnson & Ettinger model |
KBCRS | Knowledge Base Corporate Reporting System |
KDHE | Kansas Department of Health and Environment |
L | Liter |
L108 | Aquincola tertiaricarbonis L108 |
LADD | lifetime average daily dose |
LBOS | limestone buffered organic substrate |
LC34 | Launch Complex 34 |
LCARA | Love Canal Area Revitalization Area |
LCL | lower confidence level or limit |
LCS | laboratory control sample, laboratory control spike |
LEL | lower explosive level |
LHD | local health department |
LiDAR | Light Detection and Ranging |
LIF | laser induced fluorescence |
LLDPE | linear low density polyethylene |
LNAPL | Light non-aqueous phase liquid |
LOAEL | lowest observed adverse effect level |
LOD | limit of detection |
LOQ | limit of quantitation |
LTL | lower tolerance limit |
LTM or LTMgt | long-term management |
LTMO | long-term monitoring optimization |
LTMP | long term management plan |
LTS | long term stewardship |
LTS&M | long term surveillance and maintenance |
LUC | land use control |
LUCIP | land use control implementation plan |
LUCRAWP | land use control remedial action work plan |
LUST | leaking underground storage tank |
LWF | lightweight fill |
M | maps |
M | molar |
MADEP | Maine Department of Environmental Protection |
MANOVA | multivariate analysis of variance |
MAR-FISH | Microautoradiography Fluorescence in situ hybridization |
MAROS | Monitoring and Remediation Optimization Software |
MassDEP | Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection |
MASW | multi-channel analyses of surface waves |
MBAS | methylene blue active substances |
MBT | molecular biological tool |
MCA | Monte Carlo analysis |
MCDA | multi-criteria decision analysis |
MCL | maximum contaminant level |
MDA | Multiple displacement amplification |
MDEQ | Michigan Department of Environmental Quality |
MDEQ | Montana Department of Environmental Quality |
MDI | method data indicator |
MDL | method detection limit |
MDNR | Missouri Department of Natural Resources |
MEC | munitions and explosives of concern |
MEK | methyl ethyl ketone (2-butanone) |
MEG | maximum exposure guidelines |
mg | Milligrams |
MGP | manufactured gas plant |
MI | multiincrement |
MIBK | 4-methyl-2-pentanone |
MiHpt | membrane interface probe hydraulic profiling tool |
MIP | membrane interface probe |
MIQE | Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments |
MIS | multiincrement sampling |
MIW | mining-influenced water |
mL | Milliliter |
MLE | maximum likelihood estimation |
MLE | multiple lines of evidence |
MLLW | mean low level water |
MMRP | Military Munitions Response Program |
MNA | monitored natural attenuation |
MNR | monitored natural recovery |
Mo | Molybdenum |
MOA | mode of action |
MPC | measurement performance criteria |
MPE | multiphase extraction |
MPN | Most probable number |
MPV | man-portable vector |
MQI | method quality indicator |
MQO | measurement quality objective |
mRNA | Messenger RNA |
MRS | munitions response site |
MRSOU | Milltown Reserve Sediment Operable Unit |
Ms | mass of the collected sample |
MS | matrix spike |
MS | mass spectrometry |
MSD | matrix spike duplicate |
MSD | municipal setting designations |
MSE | mean squared error |
MSMA | monosodium methanearsonate |
MTBE | methyl tertiary butyl ether |
MTCA | Model Toxics Control Act |
MVS | mining visualization software |
MW | monitoring well |
N | Nitrogen |
NAH | Naphthalene dioxygenase |
NanoSIMS-FISH | Nanoscale secondary-ion mass spectrometry – Fluorescence in situ hybridization |
NAPL | non-aqueous phase liquid |
NAS | Naval Air Station |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NAVFAC | Naval Facilities Engineering Command |
NCEA | National Center for Environmental Assessment |
NCP | National Contingency Plan |
ND | nondetect |
NDMA | nitrosodimethylamine |
NELAC | National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference |
NELAP | National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program |
NFA | no further action |
NIRIS | Navy Installation Restoration Information Solution |
NJDEP | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection |
NJDOT | New Jersey Department of Transportation |
NM | not measured |
NMR | nuclear magnetic resonance |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOAEL | no observed adverse effect level |
non-TOI | non-target of interest |
NOV | notice of violation |
NPDES | National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System |
NPL | National Priority List |
NR | not recorded |
NRC | National Research Council |
NSB | Naval Station Bremerton |
NTC | No Template Controls |
NYSDEC | New York State Department of Environmental Conservation |
O | Oxygen |
O&M | operation and maintenance |
OC | organic carbon |
OCC | Occidental Chemical Corp. |
OCF | on-site contaminated facility |
OD | outer diameter |
OE | overall estimation error |
OEHHA | California Office of Health Hazard Assessment |
OLC | open limestone channel |
OLD | open limestone drain |
OM&M | operation, maintenance and monitoring |
OP | obligated party |
ORP | oxidation reduction potential |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OST | offline storage table |
OSWER | USEPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response |
OU | operable unit |
OUST | Office of Underground Storage Tanks (USEPA) |
OVA | organic vapor analyzer |
OXO | unexploded ordinance |
PAH | polyaromatic hydrocarbon |
PAH | Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon |
PARCC | precision, accuracy, representativeness, comparability, completeness, and sensitivity |
Pb | Lead |
PBA | tetrabromomethane |
PC | proprietary control |
PCA | tetrachloroethane |
PC-ADP | pulse coherent acoustic Doppler profiler |
PCBs | Polychlorinated biphenyls |
PCDD | polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins |
PCDF | polychlorinated dibenzo-furans |
PCE | perchloroethene (tetrachloroethylene) |
pceA gene | tetrachloroethene reductive dehalogenase |
PCP | pentachlorophenol |
PCR | polymerase chain reaction |
PD | probability distribution |
PDB | polyethylene diffusion bag |
PDBS | passive diffusion bag samplers |
PDM | processed dredged material |
PDS | phase distribution spreadsheet |
PE | preparation error |
PEC | probable effect concentration |
PEEK | tubing made from polyetheretherketone |
PEL | permissible exposure limit |
PFAS | Per and Polyfluoroalkyl substance |
PFM | passive flux meter |
PHC | petroleum hydrocarbon |
PHE | Phenol hydroxylase |
Pi | Inorganic phosphate |
PIANO | analytical list that includes paraffin, iso-paraffins, aromatics, naphthenes, and olefins |
PID | photoionization detector |
PIG | pipeline inspection gauge |
PITT | partitioning Interwell tracer test |
PL | prediction limit |
PLC | programmable logic controller |
PLFA | Phospholipid fatty acid |
PM1 | Methylibium petroleiphilum |
POC | point of contact |
POC | point of compliance |
POC | particulate organic carbon |
POTW | publicly owned treatment works |
ppbv | parts per billion by volume |
PQL | practical quantitation limit |
PR | periodic review |
PRB | Permeable reactive barrier |
PRTZ | Permeable reactive treatment zone |
PRGs | preliminary remedial goals |
PRP | potentially responsible party |
PSF | pounds per square foot |
PSG | passive soil gas |
PVC | polyvinyl chloride |
PVI | petroleum vapor intrusion |
Q | quantitative |
QA | quality assurance |
QA/QC | quality assurance/quality control |
QAPP | Quality Assurance Project Plan |
QASP | quality assurance surveillance plan |
QC | quality control |
QL | qualitative |
qPCR | quantitative polymerase chain reaction |
Q-Q | quantile-quantile |
QSM | Quality Systems Manual |
RA | Remedial Action |
R&D | research and development |
RAB | restoration advisory board |
RAO | remedial action objective |
RAPS | reducing alkalinity producing systems |
RBCA | risk-based corrective action |
RBF | radial basis function |
RCA | root cause analysis |
RCA | request for corrective action |
RCM | Reactive Core Mat |
RCRA | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act |
RDase | Reductive dehalogenase |
RDC | remedial design characterization |
RDX | 1,3,5-trinitroperhydro-1,3,5-triazine |
RDX | Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine |
REV | representative elementary volume |
RfC | reference concentration |
RfD | reference dose |
RfDi | reference dose, inhalation |
RFI | request for information |
RFU | Relative fluorescence units |
RG | remediation goal |
RI | Remedial Investigation |
RI/FS | remedial investigation/feasibility study |
RL | reporting limit |
RMDs | Retrievable media devices |
RME | reasonable maximum exposure |
RMO | Ring-hydroxylating toluene monooxygenase |
RMSE | root mean square error |
RNA | Ribonucleic acid |
ROD | record of decision |
RODA | Record of Decision Amendment |
ROI | radius of Influence |
ROS | regression on order statistics |
RP | responsible party |
RPD | relative percent difference |
RPF | relative potency factor |
RPM | remedial project manager |
RPP | rigid porous polyethylene |
RQD | rock quality designation |
RR&R | release, resuspension and residuals |
rRNA | Ribosomal ribonucleic acid (ribosomal RNA) |
RRO | residual-range organic |
RRT | relative retention time |
RSD | relative standard deviation |
RSL | Regional Screening Level |
RTD | residence time distribution |
RTK | real-time kinematic |
RT-qPCR | Reverse transcriptase qPCR |
S | Sulfur |
SADA | Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance |
SAP | sampling and analysis plan |
SAPS | successive alkalinity producing system |
SARA | Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act |
SAS | Statistical Analysis System |
SAV | submerged aquatic vegetation |
SC | site closeout |
SCAN | continuous scanning mode |
SCL | single control limit |
SD | standard deviation |
SDS | Safety data sheets |
SDWA | Safe Drinking Water Act |
SE | sampling error, standard error |
SEE | Steam-enhanced extraction |
SED | survey of earned doctorates |
SEDA | sediment erosion and deposition assessment |
SEDD | staged electronic data deliverable |
SEM | Superfund enterprise system |
SEP | supplemental environmental project |
SERDP | Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program |
SETAC | Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
SG | specific gravity |
SIM | selective ion monitoring |
SIMS | Secondary-ion mass spectrometry |
SIP | stable isotope probe |
SMARS | site management and reporting system |
SMART | specific, measureable, attainable, relevant, time-bound (referring to goals) |
SMC | spent mushroom compost |
SMCRA | Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act |
SMD | submembrane depressurization |
sMMO | Soluble methane monoooxygenase |
SMP | site management plan |
SNR | Signal to noise ratio |
SOD | soil oxidant demand |
SOP | standard operating procedure |
SP | sample port |
SPI | sediment profiling imaging |
SPL | site pollution liability |
SPT | standard penetration test |
SQ | Semiquantitative |
SRB | sulfate-reducing bacteria |
SROI | sustainable return of investigation |
SRP | site remediation program |
SRS | simple random sampling |
SS | sample support |
SSCC | site specific cleanup criteria |
SSD | subslab depressurization |
SSP | subslab pressurization |
SSV | subslab ventilation |
STE | sediment transport evaluation |
STSC | Superfund Health Risk Technical Support Center |
SU | sampling unit |
SVE | soil vapor extraction |
SVOC | semivolatile organic compound |
SWAC | surface weighted actions concentrations |
SWFPR | site-wide false positive rate |
T | Time |
SWMMWW | Storm water Management Manual for Western Washington |
TAGA | trace atmospheric gas analyzer |
TAME | tert-amyl-methyl-ether, an oxygenate |
TAN | Test Area North site at the Idaho National Laboratory |
TBA | tert-butyl alcohol, an oxygenate |
TBEE | tert-butyl-ethyl ether, an oxygenate |
TBT | tributyltin |
TCA | trichloroethane |
TCD | thermal conductivity detector |
TCE | trichloroethylene |
TCE | trichloroethene |
tceA gene | trichloroethene reductive dehalogenase |
TCFE | Trichlorofluoroethylene |
TCH | thermal conductance heating |
TCLP | Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure |
TDS | total dissolved solids |
TE | total sampling error |
TEF | toxicity equivalence factor |
TEL | Tetra-ethyl Lead |
TEQ | toxic equivalent |
THF | tetrahydrofuran |
THPO | Tribal Historic Preservation Officer |
TIC | tentatively identified compound |
TIN | triangular irregular network |
TL | tolerance limit |
TMB | trimethylbenzene |
TMDL | total maximum daily load |
TMO | Toluene monooxygenase |
TNT | 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene |
TOC | total organic carbon |
TOD | Toluene 2,3-dixoygenase |
TOI | target of interest |
TPH | total petroleum hydrocarbons |
TPP | technical project planning |
T-RFLP | Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism |
TSCA | Toxic Substances Control Act |
TSD | treatment, storage and disposal facility |
TSS | total suspended solids |
TTZ | Target treatment zone |
TVOC | total volatile organic compounds |
TW | Tarone-Ware statistic |
U(IV) | Uranium, +4 oxidation state |
U(VI) | Uranium, +6 oxidation state |
UCL | upper confidence limit |
UECA | Uniform Environmental Covenant Act |
UFP-QAPP | Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plans |
UFP-QS | Uniform Federal Policy for Implementing Environmental Quality Systems |
ug | Micrograms |
UIC | underground injection control |
UMTRCA | Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act |
UPL | upper prediction limit |
URF | unit risk factor |
USACE | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
USCG | U.S. Coast Guard |
USCS | Unified Soil Classification System |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
USDOE | U.S. Department of Energy |
USEPA | United States Environmental Protection Agency |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
UST | underground storage tank |
UTL | upper tolerance limit |
UU/UE | unlimited use/unrestricted exposure |
UV | ultraviolet |
UXO | unexploded ordnance |
VBA | Visual Basic for Applications |
VC | Vinyl Chloride |
vcrA | Vinyl chloride reductase (varietal A), a reductive dehalogenase gene |
VFAs | Volatile Fatty Acids |
VFP | vertical flow pond |
VI | vapor intrusion |
VOC | volatile organic compound |
VOI | Value of Investigation |
VSP | Visual Sampling Plan |
v/v | Volume per volume % |
w/w | wet weight |
WET | whole effluent toxicity |
WRS | Wilcoxon rank sum |
XML | extensible markup language |
XRF | X-ray fluorescence |
XSD | halogen specific detector |
X-VOC | chlorinated volatile organic compound |
Zn | Zinc |
ZVI | zero-valent iron |
μg/m3 | microgram per cubic meter |
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